High Standards and Improvements

High Standards and Improvements – It is an important part of our daily efforts that we continually improve on protecting our employees, setting the highest standard for quality and reducing our environmental impact.

Health, Safety, Security, Environment & Quality

Commitment, training and a constant pursuit of better performance is the foundation of our HSSEQ initiatives.

One of our tools to achieve excellence within all areas of HSSEQ is our Management System ensuring continual improvements in all parameters.

All employees worldwide can access the system which describes best practice throughout the organisation based on our past experiences.

Great achievements require teamwork, and all Continental Logistics employees shall comply with existing laws and regulations, encourage a safe workplace and make an effort to protect our colleagues. This reflects our spirit, values and culture. Measuring our performance is part of ensuring our progress.

We are committed to set the highest standards within HSSEQ to protect the environment, our company and our most important asset – our employees.


A healthy workforce is vital for our success, and we encourage our employees to be active, have fun, create social relations internally and strengthen our teamwork and culture through sports activities.


Every Continental Logistics employee has the right to a safe workplace with a minimum of risks. We are committed to keep working for improvements, provide training and education for all employees, and we encourage a ‘zero incident’ workplace.

Our standards for safety are accessible for all offices and employees at all times through our Global Management System.


Our initiavites include securing of data servers and computers, making sure contingency plans are ready if needed, and that we can account for our employees at all times during traveling.


Continental Logistics is focused on continuously reducing environmental impact based on defined improvement targets.

Our initiatives include a proactive effort to reduce waste, consumption of energy, usage of fuel and prevent spills. Also, we motivate clients and suppliers to give priority to environmentally friendly transport solutions.


Quality is an important aspect in Continental Logistics’ daily efforts to create the best solutions for all clients.

We have defined quality objectives and planned activities applying for all Continental Logistics offices in the world. To achieve the standards we aim for, we have a Global Quality Policy stating our aim and means to achieve and fulfil our quality objectives.